I am so thankful to be able to be back in my corner
doing some sewing again. I love making quilts.
This is where I create....and I like having the
window with the natural light right next to the
table with my machine. I missed this when
I was in that dark pit.

The last time I spent much time in my corner
it was not green outside....actually we had just
gotten over the big Midwest blizzard.

Mom came the first weekend of March and
I didn't sew much after that.
I went to see her down on the farm
today and she seems to be going downhill
with her health. Nothing but old age and
not wanting to eat.
I am not physically able to take care of her
here anymore and that is just the way it
is. I pray she does not end up in a nursing
home.....believe me I pray hard about that.

Not a great view but my view.....bloom
where your planted...right??
I have been planted in this home now for
34 years and it is home.
Depression is so hard to explain to people
and when they would tell me to just get my
mind on something else and go sew a
little ...oh, how at the time I wished I could.
I just could not get my mind to work well
enough to do it.
I have been on this new antidepressant
for almost 2 months now and am a lot
better but have a ways to go.
It is hard work when you deal with other
health issues along with it....the pill is not
a magic answer but it sure has helped.
Just glad to be doing better.
Now if they would just come up with a
pill that would make the CFS and FM
go away!!