Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

This rocking chair is a place I spend a little time when it is not too hot or too cold and I want just a little sunshine on my face. Other times it's the rocking chair in the house. Too often though it is my bed. I have CFS. It is an invisible disease. I have lived with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia for many years. It was March of 1992 when I first became ill. Months past and I was diagnosed with CFS, later the Fibro was added to the list. Lately CFS has taken more of my days under it's rule than I care to count.
I don't talk about it much because I live with it everyday and whats to say....I feel like calling it a new name today. CFS > CAN'T FUNCTION, SORRY!! Below I am posting something I recently read that I think explains it in a nutshell.
___Good days, bad days, and invisibility____
An invisible illness is one that isn't readily apparent to the people who don't have it. Two factors contribute to a disease's invisibility.
NO OBVIOUS SIGNS......Sufferers don't use a wheelchair or crutches, don't exhibit hideous rashes or scarring, and generally don't "look sick."
SYMPTOMS GO UNDERGROUND.......Due to the illness, sufferers often can't leave the house. When they do, it's on a relatively good day, when they're feeling better. The friends and family who see them on those good days assume, wrongly that the sick person always looks and functions that well.
That pretty much says how it is...yep it does.


  1. Your sunny spot on the porch looks beautiful, Peggy...and what a gorgeous quilt! I think we all need a peaceful spot outdoors where we can rest and recharge - I dragged the lounge chair out onto our deck this evening to enjoy the fresh air and my book.


  2. Peggy - Almost forgot...you asked about Dominique at 4 Walls and a View...she's been away at her daughter's wedding in Maine. Although she had planned to be there for a couple of months, I recently heard that she had to return earlier than she expected, but she did get to see the wedding and spend time with her granddaughter. I imagine she should be home by now but maybe needs to recover before getting back online. It's very nice of you to be concerned - hopefully, we'll be hearing from her again soon.


  3. Thought I would stop by your blog after seeing your post at Sue's. Love all your quilts...so beautiful! I enjoyed seeing your grandkids too...we have a dozen ourselves....
    I see that Sue let you know what has been going on with Dominique. I miss her inspiring posts too.
    Hope you had a good day!
